Islamic Widget

Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday nite!!

Assalamualaikum guys,

Normally every friday night people here in Canada will spend their whole night to enjoy, going to the pub, spend their time at friends' house, party and etc. But, Alhamdulillah between those of thousands of people in this city we muslims have been given the oppurtunity and gifted with His hidayah to do something more beneficial things tonight. Friday is absolutely my favourite day of the whole week coz' I get to do juma', hear the khutbah and then spend my night at the masjid praying jemaah and sit down for a few minutes talk or tazkirah...alhamdulillah. Anyway, it's weekend right...

The talk tonight was really interesting for me. The syeikh who was giving the talk told us a lot of stories and that actually kept me awake until the end...heheh (selalunyer akan ttdo). The topic of the lecture was The Deen of Allah. I can't remember all of it but I will try to write down everything that I could still remember about the talk.

One of the stories that he told was that about Nabi Musa a.s. where he was gifted with his stick which can do so much things in the will of Allah. His stick was really much helpful to him and it was one of his specialty. But, as Allah ask him to throw down his stick, the stick automatically changed into a big snake. The stick which he appreciated so much had turned into something that is scary and harmful. What the syeikh was trying to say was that Allah can do and changed anything that He want to and all that we have now is all depends on Him. Next, he talked about our iman. As we all now, our iman can change and it is dependent on us to keep it and secure it from the evil. It could just goes up and could in any moment decreases. It is really important for us to take care of our iman just as we take care of our love ones. He said that if it wasn't mistaken Rasulullah s.a.w. once said that a person who managed to keep his/her iman and take good care of it is the most successful person! InsyaAllah..let's all improve our iman by doing more amal and ibadah to Allah.

Some few reminder told is that one who is always punctual on his solat, Allah will let an angel guide him. And the angel will resist him from the devils and guide him to say LAILAHAILALLAH right before his death...subhanallah. HE is the most merciful and most gracious.

As continued, the syeikh once again told a story of a nonmuslim who had lived for more than 70 years and lived his whole life as a christian until one day Allah gifted him hidayah and alhamdulillah he managed to convert to Islam. But the day after he had converted into Islam, he died. He was a man who grew up as a christian but with the will of Allah he became a muslim right before the day he passed away. Now, there's something that we could learn from the story. To compare with us whom are a muslim since we were a child, think that we are good enough compared to the nonmuslims. Think that we could go to heaven just because that we had been a muslim for a long time ago and had done so much deen in the path of Allah. is all depends on Allah Himself. HE will decide us and it is our duty to keep on worshiping Him as long as we are alive. Don't ever think that we are better than the others and don't even think that we had done enough deen and are able to go to heaven with that. We are just His servant and it's up to Him to decide for us as long as we  do our part as a muslim everytime everywhere.

InsyaAllah let's make doa for Allah will always keep us in the right path and be consistent in our ibadah. Always ask Allah for forgiveness and always remember that the door for taubat is always open for us.

I think these are all that I am able to type down and I am just trying to remind myself and others of ourself about The Deen of Allah and how we as a muslim should behave. Jazakallahukhair =)